Rushing into something

Ever feel like you are rushing into something? Rushing to get home, rushing to get out the door, rushing to turn the page into a new chapter in your book called life? The other day I realized that rushing into something only makes time go by faster. It doesn't always mean happiness, neither. Let me … Continue reading Rushing into something

Self-awareness through Meditation

For the past week, I've been listening to guided meditation videos right before bed. The videos are usually about two hours long of non-stop relaxing music, sounds, and vocals. You can find all kinds of meditation videos on YouTube. Is it relaxing? Very. I am falling asleep much quicker, and I noticed I am not … Continue reading Self-awareness through Meditation

Who’s in your support system?

"What do I write in my journal about?" I asked my therapist. "Anything. Write about the window you're looking out of. You can write about anything your mind thinks about. Sometimes big things come out of little things so be open minded. It was a pleasure meeting you today. Keep an eye out in your … Continue reading Who’s in your support system?

Oh, happy day!

The day is slowly blooming, and my mood is uplifting! It's a beautiful day today. Enough sun to birth a sunflower, chirping birds, and swaying trees. The best thing about these types of days is opening the windows and feeling the breeze. The day is what you make it. Cliche as it sounds, staying positive … Continue reading Oh, happy day!

Why do we focus on our flaws so much?

Today, I accidentally woke up early. Now that I think about it, I remember having a terrible nightmare about a rapid shooting happening in my old high school cafeteria. This kind of dream is out of the ordinary for me. My employer has been "training" us how to survive a workplace shooting so I suppose … Continue reading Why do we focus on our flaws so much?

Possibility in the morning 

Lately, I've been in a funk. I haven't been in the mood to get on Facebook and socialize, nor have I really had the urge to go out and party with friends. For some strange reason I feel lost. Confused and full of wonder about where my life could possibly be taking me. I'm not … Continue reading Possibility in the morning