Who’s in your support system?

"What do I write in my journal about?" I asked my therapist. "Anything. Write about the window you're looking out of. You can write about anything your mind thinks about. Sometimes big things come out of little things so be open minded. It was a pleasure meeting you today. Keep an eye out in your … Continue reading Who’s in your support system?

You just have to remember one thing…

Not everyone has the same heart as you. I've learned this lesson a few years ago. No matter what you do for someone, no matter how soft you touch someone's heart, you can never expect to receive the same treatment. If you feel like you're swimming oceans for people who wouldn't swim a lake for … Continue reading You just have to remember one thing…

Why do we focus on our flaws so much?

Today, I accidentally woke up early. Now that I think about it, I remember having a terrible nightmare about a rapid shooting happening in my old high school cafeteria. This kind of dream is out of the ordinary for me. My employer has been "training" us how to survive a workplace shooting so I suppose … Continue reading Why do we focus on our flaws so much?

Keeper of the flame

I'm writing this for myself, and for those who are going through a difficult time period in their life. I'm going to start this off with a suggestion- Wake up tomorrow on the "good side" of the bed and make an effort to accomplish something by the end of the day. It doesn't matter how big, or … Continue reading Keeper of the flame

Rainy days are sunny days

There's something about the sound of the tiny droplets hitting the tree leaves on the way down to the ground. Or Listening to the rain smacking the downspouts outside. It enables me to ignore the chaos in my hectic mind, and reflect on the peace I've been trying so hard to find. Strangely I see … Continue reading Rainy days are sunny days

Notes on an iPhone: It’s not meant to be

Sometimes, I just want to reach out to you. To see if you're still there. To contradict these feelings of loneliness when I don't hear from you. Are you still interested in me? Don't you think about me? We were just kissing last week. The reality is, you are still there, but you aren't where … Continue reading Notes on an iPhone: It’s not meant to be