Blogger Rewards

Read Original Blog Here

This is where you will find all the awards I was nominated for…here are my special thanks to you! ♥

For anyone who may nominate me in the future, please allow me respectfully and honestly say that I may not respond to it by the rules only because I do not want to overwhelm my followers with reward blogs on their timeline. I say this in a kind and sincere manner.

I appreciate all of feedback and I value the connections I have built with all of you over the last few weeks. I cannot express enough how thankful I am for such a positive community, and I am most certainly on your side as well.

I want to acknowledge the awards I was nominated for:

Please take a look at their content. The above bloggers are some of my most loyal readers, and vice versa. I assure you their content is interesting, full of humor, and relatable in some shape or form.
